Social Media Roundup

Bring on the Twitter alternatives! You can now follow me on Bluesky.

If Twitter follows its current trajectory, it’ll probably roll down a ravine and burst into flames any day now. So I’ve been on the lookout for other social media options. You can now follow me on Threads, where I’m “savagechickens”. And I’m also “savagechickens” over on Bluesky.

And here’s me on Threads!

And here’s the complete list of where you can find me on the internet…

For most of these (except where specified), I post daily comics, sketches, blog posts, events, news, and more. If there’s another social media doohickey that you think I should be on, let me know! (I’ve tried Tiktok, but I find it a little frenetic. Maybe I’ll use it when I figure out what to do with it!)

(Updated July 3, 2024, to add Cara.)

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2 thoughts on “Social Media Roundup

  • August 19, 2023 at 10:43 am

    Mastodon is incredibly artist-friendly! The trick is finding a good instance to be on though. is a good starting place for artists. (Don’t use, it’s too big and collapsing under its own weight.)


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